Compiling C on Unix:
What do I want from a build system?
I want a build system to be:
- Easy to maintain
- Minimal dependencies
- Configurable
And optionally:
- multi-threaded / incremental
The unity build
Unity builds are not incremental. They work by #include
-ing all source code into one file and compiling it as a single translation unit.
// unity.c
#include "utils.h"
#include "utils.c"
#include "fs.h"
#include "fs.c"
#include "main.c"
compiler_flags=(-Wall -pedantic -std=c99 -Isrc/)
${CC} ${compiler_flags[*]} ${sources[*]} ${linker_flags[*]} -o ${output}
If all your exposure is from “real build systems,” you might find this baffling. My advice is to form your own opinions—don’t accept the gospel of others without a second thought.
Unity builds have numerous benefits and should be the go-to for shipping. Builds of this kind are easy to port and give the compiler more opportunities for optimization. It is also by far the simplest method.
Structuring your program with the knowledge that it will use a unity build lets us do some tricks. Source files aren’t compiled separately, and we control their inclusion order. Exploiting this removes messy #include
statements. You can even disregard header guards if you dare.
The benefit is less clutter in your header and source files. Less includes also means less work for the compiler. In some cases, unity builds have shorter clean-build times. Doing this will make LSPs or editor linting less effective, but that’s not a big deal. The only real problem is symbol collisions inside the single translation unit, which may or may not be trivial.
The incremental build
Although unity builds provide many benefits, you may want to do an incremental build if your project is “too complex.”
Before we start, if your project is too complex, your first attempt should be to fix the core problem. Incremental builds are not an excuse to spread source code across hundreds of files and to create cyclic dependencies.
With that out of the way, here is a
for multiple source files built in parallel.
set -e
CC="ccache clang"
sources=(src/main.c src/fs.c)
compiler_flags=(-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c99 -Isrc/)
for s in "${sources[@]}"; do
mkdir -p $(dirname ".obj/${s}.o")
${CC} -c ${compiler_flags[*]} ${s} -o .obj/${s}.o &
objects+=".obj/${s}.o "
wait $BACK_PID # wait for compile to finish
${CC} ${linker_flags[*]} ${objects[*]} -o ${output}
On top of sometimes being faster due to multi-threading, incremental builds let us leverage ccache
to prevent recompiling unchanged code. Since we still have to re-link, using mold
as our linker will further increase speeds.
Adding complexity
Let’s build upon the incremental build by adding the following:
- Ensure
is created - Automatically find source files
- More compiler flags
- User-specific compiler flags
- Metaprogram or custom pre-processor
- Echo state of the program
set -e
### find and filter sources ###
mapfile -t sources < <(find -name *.c | sed\
-e "\|./game/config.*|d" \
-e "\|./gs/.*|d" \
-e "\|.*impl.*|d" \
-e "\|.*third_party.*|d" \
-e "\|./codegen/.*|d" \
### flags ###
CC="ccache clang"
-O0 -march=native -ffast-math
-Wall -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-initializer-overrides -Wfatal-errors
-fuse-ld=mold -ldl -lX11 -lXi -lm -lpthread -lavformat -lavcodec -lswscale -lavutil -ludev -lomp -lz -lcurl -luv -lssl -lcrypto
-pthread -fopenmp
if [ $(whoami) = "halvard" ]; then
-fsanitize=address,float-divide-by-zero,float-cast-overflow -fno-sanitize=null,alignment -fno-sanitize-recover=all -fno-omit-frame-pointer
# ...
mkdir -p $(dirname "${output}")
### Compile and run metaprogram ###
if [ ! -f "./bin/codegen" ] || [ "./codegen/codegen.c" -nt "./bin/codegen" ]; then
${CC} -g ./codegen/codegen.c -fuse-ld=mold -o ./bin/codegen
### compile program ###
for i in "${!sources[@]}"; do
#echo "adding source file ${sources[i]}..."
mkdir -p $(dirname ".obj/${sources[i]}.o")
${CC} -c ${compiler_flags[*]} ${common_flags[*]} ${sources[i]} -o .obj/${sources[i]}.o &
objects+=".obj/${sources[i]}.o "
echo "Compiling..."
wait $BACK_PID # wait for compile to finish
### link program ###
echo "Linking..."
${CC} ${linker_flags[*]} ${common_flags[*]} ${objects[*]} -o ${output}
echo "Done!"